How can we re-motivate after a period of absence from training?
Master Chang always says that our energy flows in a certain direction until it is obstructed, then naturally it will flow the other way.
So when the inevitable happens, how can we reengage in this thing that we know we love and that makes us feel good too?
Master Chang would say that our new habit must be stronger than the old habit, and then you’ll be all right.
To me this says that it will take effort and discipline on my part; that I must take responsibility for myself; that I must act. I am reminded of one of Master Chang’s visits:
We got onto the train – suddenly Master Chang disappeared – I thought he had gone to the toilet – I turned around and he was helping a husband and wife, both half his age, to lift a heavy suitcase on to the train. There he was, carrying this huge suitcase as the couple looked on in amazement. When he returned he said to me, “Whenever I see people like that struggling I always help, I forget how old I am, I just do it”.
So maybe that is the answer – maybe to stop debating, stop thinking how can I get the motivation, how can I reengage????…. Master Chang would say, “just do it!”
I would love to hear your tales and thoughts on motivation – why not post a response? (click on "COMMENTS" below.)