Monday, June 19, 2006

Life Viewed Through a Lens

Master Chang often talks about mind principles.
He says that we are like different colour papers – some red, some blue, some black, some white.
Take a green pen and draw on each paper and each one will show something different – each one changes the original colour – green mixed with blue, green with red etc… Each is a lens through which we view the world.

Do you remember Master Chang's story of the Rabbit running away in the forest?
The rabbit makes a noise as it tries to get away from you. Some people will scream or be immobilized by fear, because of a bad past memory. (The situation is seen through the lens they have put on their life). The expert knows that it is just a rabbit!

Through Hapkido training we must strip away the colours – so we are able to see things as they are. When the mind is still, we free things up and ki energy can flow more freely.

There is a samurai saying:
He who has mastered an art will reveal it in his every action.
-samurai maxim

Because mastering is not purely about being proficient at physical movements, but being master of your mind

You stand in front of your opponent – if you worry about getting injured, or think about doing a particular kick, or about a meeting you need to attend – how can you act?
Where your mind goes ki will follow

Growth and maturity in Hapkido is not restricted to class.

Every aspect of your life mirrors every other aspect in your life – showing good attitude in the dojang - will natuarally carry forward and help all aspects of your life.

There was a monk who asked one disciple to whenever he saw dirt to clean. Wherever this disciple would go, everything would gleam, because he’d constantly be cleaning and polishing. Through this work the disciple became enlightened. He realised that in this manner he must also cleanse his mind.


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