Monday, January 15, 2007

Mental Training

It’s a new year – and as such an opportunity for us to sharpen things – of course on a physical level, but I also mean mentally in terms of etiquette.

Martial artists use etiquette/discipline as a form of mental training – it’s about achieving a certain mental state. Through such practices the student can learn to control the controllable whilst developing mushin (no-mind) or alertness; they also become more self-aware recognising what causes their mind to become agitated and lose balance.

As time progresses students realise that saying “Yes Sir” isn’t for their instructors benefit, but is actually a key part of their own mental training.

Sports psychologists talk about mental toughness building confidence, teaching to control emotion and aiding concentration. All of these are essential for the expert martial artist.


Blogger AG said...

Although I still have a lot to learn, I have started trying to apply the etiquette to other areas of my life. I have lessons in ballroom and latin danicng and I have been frustrated with my teachers, wanting them to teach me more and more steps. I realised I would never have that frustration with Hapkido because I trust and respect Saboumnim and also because the etiquette means it would be totally inappropriate for me to ask to learn something new.I started to treat my dance lessons in the same way, trying to leave my ego at the door of the studio. My lessons have become richer, I think, and I can concentrate more on what my teachers are saying now I am not making so much noise in my own head!
Anna Glover (Red Belt)

9:43 AM  

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